
Monday, November 15, 2010



AMAZING Things Happen When You Say YES! That caught my attention and I checked out their website and I was suprised and quite impressed with what YTL Communications can offer us.I will highlight some of the features of their new 4G mobile internet network, the rest you can get the information from their website.

3 to 5 times faster than 3G network.
This is interesting, hopefully YTL lives up to the hype.

Stay connected to Internet when you are travelling from North to South or West to East.
I have been waiting for this for long time. After this that will be no more bored when travel.

No more multiple plans and expensive rates. You pay for what you use.
For this i'm not really sure, cause sumtime a plan is cheaper than package for a month, for now there’s no information on the prices or rates. So what we can do juz wait for them launch on 19th November 2010.

No string attached. No commitment fees or contracts to enjoy lower rates.
If really YTL giving a lower rates, i think for other maxis, digi, celcom, p1, will get a hardcore enemies in malaysia, ngek ngek ngek

No more SIM cards.
This is same as like p1 wimax no sim card, but the different of YTL 4G all you need to use YES 4G mobile network is your YES ID and password from 018 u mobile number.

Connect as many devices as you like, all at the same time ?
You can only use YES 4G in all devices but not on the same type devices. Which means you can use YES 4G in ONE Handphone, ONE Laptop, ONE desktop computer only.

YTL No capping or throttling.
This one YTL is doing it right unlike P1. What’s the point of having high speed internet but there’s capping. YES to YTL.

Do YTL have expiry dates ?
Recently for YTL is got no expired date for period prepaid, that’s good news for prepaid users.

Calls when you are overseas.
You only need an Internet connection when you are overseas to call to Malaysians numbers at local call rates. Now this is cool izzit!

YES 4G devices for USB, MiFi, Desktop Modem & 4G Phone. Their USB 4G Modem is called YES Go and their MiFi device is called YES Huddle. The 4G phone will be called YES Buzz and its all in one home modem with voice and WiFi is called YES Zoom. Very simple names.

YTL has spent US$850 million on the YES 4G network, buying base stations from Samsung, CISCO & AT&T (WOW). So they are able to cover 65% of Malaysian population for a start. They claim that their coverage is even wider than P1.

I going to be YES-CITED ~.~

I really looking forward to YTL’s 1st 4G Mobile Network with Voice, YES!

No more slow or down Streamyx or wondering where to face your modem, YES TO YTL AGAIN

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